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Qualified Person Education Course Module A

26/27 March 2025
Vienna, Austria

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Document and track your personal development - with the Continuous Professional Development (CPD) Documentation Template

To access the template for documenting and tracking your past and ongoing activities, please go here.

After filling out the form, you will be able to create and print out a PDF file.


This webpage contais information about an ECA Foundation Interest Group.

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ECA Foundation
attn. European QP Association
P.O. Box 102168
69007 Heidelberg, Germany

ECA Foundation
c/o Dr. Vogt & Partner
Financial Auditors & Laywers
attn. Mr. J. Ruland
Hebelstr. 7
68161 Mannheim, Germany

Information according to § 5 TMG (German Telemedia Act)
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69123 Heidelberg

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Oliver Schmidt

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